Who created the sport of MMA?

Question:  Who created MMA?

The Answer:  CV Productions Inc.

Who really created the “sport” of MMA in The United States?  It wasn’t the UFC.  A new book, Godfathers of MMA, is set to release early 2014 and reveals the answer.  This is the birth of an American sport…

Read More:  http://mmahistory.org/who-invented-mma/

godfathers of mma

CV Productions, Inc., is a Pittsburgh, PA based mixed martial arts company, founded in 1979. It is considered the first MMA based company in the United States and responsible for creating the blueprint for modern mixed martial arts competition. The company promoted the first regulated league of mixed martial arts style competitions beginning in 1980 with the intention of creating a new sport.  The Pittsburgh, PA-based mixed martial arts company was founded in 1979. CV Productions was the first grass roots movement to develop mixed martial arts into a modern mainstream sport.  The World Martial Arts Fighting Association (WMAFA) sanctioned all CV Productions events.  This was the first regulatory body for mixed martial arts and oversaw the Tough Guy, Battle of Brawlers and Super Fighter events “Super Fighters League” (SFL).

Another great article https://pittsburghmma.com/2013/09/who-invented-mma-mixed-martial-arts/